Launch With Yeto delivers a holistic start-up program to founders by providing them a suite of tools and resources, advising, and coaching to launch and grow successful ventures.
Help founders test the feasibility and viability of the start-up as well as coach founders identify the minimum viable market and product.
Market size estimates, 12-month P&L, 3-Yrs P&L, 3Yrs Balance Sheet, 3-Yr Cash Flows Statement, BE Analysis, and Analytics.
A 20,000 ft. overview of the entire business plan in a nutshell to grab attention of busy investors and potential partners.
SWOT Analysis, Competitive Analysis, Profitability Analysis, PESTEL Analysis, Market Trends and Projections.
Business plan writing: Executive summary, Company Overview, KPIs, Critical Success Factors, Product, Offering, Capital Needs.
Management team, advisory board, personnel planning, marketing plan, processes and systems, and operations.
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